International Lover - Hemp CBD Tea

International Lover - Hemp CBD Tea


Cylinder of 10

However you like it – dirty or spicy. A robust classic blend, crafted with simple but fine ingredients including ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and nutmeg. Each cup is filled with a deep, earthy, warm, and tantalizing exotic chai, finished with a touch of vanilla that closes each sip with a bit of sweetness. It is warm and easy without excessive caffeine.

Promotes mental energy and clarity.

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CBD in our tea 

We don’t compromise on quality. We are committed to the highest standard in cannabis products. CBD needs to be able to work in your body so each bag of tea is infused with an organic coconut base from small organic farms that is sustainably sourced and ideal for increasing cannabinoid absorption. This also includes tapioca maltodextrin, sourced from organic, non-GMO Yuca Root and organic acacia fiber for maximal mix ability. 

  • 50-60mg of CBD per tea bag 

  • 1 tea bag brews about 2 cups

  • Available in pack of 10 and sample box 

  • Sample box includes 3 tea bags total (1 bag of each blend) 

  • Contains caffeine 

  • Contains coconut